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East Sussex, United Kingdom
I'm a 62yr old AOL refugee, living on the south coast of England. I love travelling and sharing my photos. I live with Nina and Katinka, my two Maine Coon cats.


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Crystal Clock

Friday, 9 January 2009

Support for Heather

A lot of you may remember Heather from AOL journals, she used to make great tags, the one below is one of hers. She has a new journal on Blogspot. She's just posted to tell us of her stepfather who has thyroid cancer and has undergone surgery on his spine which has paralysed him. Her mother is struggling to cope with this. Please visit and send prayers over to her at Living The Good Life in Bklyn: M.I.A.
Thanks, I know you won't let me down.


Jeannette said...

Thank You for letting us know.

Heather said...

Thank you so much Jeannette for thinking of me and my family...and for sending prayers my way. I have made so many friends through blogging and it fills my heart with happiness...thank you for being one of those friends I hold dear. And thank you for your kind words concerning my mother and stepdad.

xoxo, Heather

Kath said...

Prayers being said for your Dear friend and family.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

Lisa said...

Such a sad story - I'll stop by.

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

I did stop over and visit Heather and actually did go into the dashboard and saw it. Heather is the sweetest and so talented. We've known each other a very long time from our PSP group. I certainly am keeping her and her family in my prayers. Thanks for the e-mail, Jeannette. Stay warm...we are in the midst of a huge blizzrd here right now...blah. xx

Jan said...

On my way ...Are you alright? still working to hard too long no doubt love ya ..Jan xx

My Creative Spirit award given to me by Gina

My Creative Spirit award given to me by Gina

Superior Scribbler award given to me by Jeannette

Superior Scribbler award given to me by Jeannette

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